Setting up my Raspberry Pi as a home server

Today it’s almost precisely two years since I bought myself a Raspberry Pi thinking I was going to change the world and make something really cool. Nothing really came of it. Apparently I didn’t have the imagination to build anything out of the ordinary, so I ended up making it into an EmulationStation using RetroPie. […]

Rooting a Samsung Galaxy S3

My trusty old work phone, the rather useless HTC Desire S, was no longer long for this world. It had developed a rather common problem with smartphones when they reach a certain age, the battery only held charge for around 2 hours. I wont deny that I was not the first owner of it here […]

Running VMWare Tools on boot in Arch Linux

Lately I’ve been playing around with Arch Linux in VMWare Player and after having a lot of issues with the VMWare Tools, with getting them to work and then having to manually start them at each reboot, I came up with this solution to have them run at boot: Create a systemd service which handles […]